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![Chemical Machining & Etching Services](/evo_elements/png/pageIMG_shadow.png)
Kovar Chemical Etching & Machining
Tecomet Inc. offers top of the line Kovar chemical etching and machining. Here at Tecomet Inc., we boast years of experience in etching Kovar alloys, and our products are currently in commercial production. In spite of Kovar being more difficult to etch than other metals, such as stainless steel, our expertise allows us to maintain the same quality in our precision etching that we have with our stainless steel etching.
About Kovar
Kovar is a Nickel-Cobalt-Iron alloy that has compatible thermal expansion characteristics to Borosilicate Glass. This property allows Kovar to maintain a mechanical connection to the glass over a range of temperatures. Kovar etched parts are commonly used for step lids, carriers, covers and electronic shims.
Kovar Etching Capabilities
Tecomet Inc. is familiar with a large range of thicknesses when it comes to Kovar etched parts. We routinely etch Kovar at five thousandths of an inch, and can go as low as one thousandth of and inch and as high as forty thousandths of an inch. When it comes to photo-chemically machining and marking Kovar, chemical etching is a great manufacturing option because it is cost effective and leaves no damage to the remaining alloy, such as heat-affected zones or burrs.
Tecomet Inc. also carries a wide range of Kovar in stock, so if you have a project in mind, we can produce it with a quick turnaround. The Kovar we carry is DFARS compliant and our company is ITAR registered and compliant, so those in the aerospace and defense industries can feel secure when contracting us with an assignment.
The material compositon, typical grades, common uses, and advantages of using the material Kovar for your etched or machined products are below:
Kovar Material Composition (Main Elements)
Typical Grades
Common Uses